Would you like to learn this beautiful and unique form of art and get a taste of the benefits that come with entering a “flow” state of mind?

Or have you already started your journey and would like to improve or broaden your skill set?

This is possible in numerous ways!

Workshops are available in group, privately and/or online and can be taught in English and Dutch.


Group or private workshops take place in Antwerp.

If you would like to apply as a group, workshops can be relocated to a venue and location of your choosing (depending on the group size and location).


In an ever-changing world where more of our time takes place online, we as artists have to adapt as well. This is why private workshops are available online via Zoom, Skype or Microsoft Teams.

We will first have an initiating call where we can talk about your interests, motivation and goals. This way we can create the perfect formula together that would suit your needs. Whether you have a specific question, would like some broad information or commit to improving by setting up a training schedule, during this conversation we will cover all grounds!


Engaging in these practices offers numerous scientifically proven health benefits, even increasing grey matter in the brain!

Research suggests it may prevent Alzheimer's, making it a top brain training choice.

Learning duration doesn't matter; the longer it takes, the more you exercise your brain. Enhance motor skills, coordination, problem-solving, and build confidence by overcoming hurdles—essential in practice and rewarding.

Deep focus leads to a "flow" state of mind, where success in landing the next trick is all that matters.

Experience relief from anxiety and depression as worries fade away, providing a truly amazing and easily accessible experience.

In just a few minutes, achieve a quieter peace of mind and clarity for your next task.

These valuable benefits attract more people to incorporate these practices into their daily lives!


Artists often dedicate 90% of their time to practice tools and only 10% to fire tools. Building the mind-body connection and muscle memory takes time, ensuring comfort with movements before using fire tools. Workshops prioritize practice tools (except for fire eating) for effective learning.

Workshops can cover various aspects like new movements, dance incorporation, choreography, stage expression, and more. Focusing on specific topics make learning easier and more memorable.

A creative and enjoyable space is fostered in all workshops, encouraging self-challenge and exploration together!

For fire workshops, beginners first learn essential fire safety practices. Once ready, we step into the thrilling fire space!



Learn essential safety guidelines and techniques for fire eating, covering fuel types, breath work, torch manipulation, extinguishes, and more.

Join us for an exciting and secure experience!


Originating with the Māori people of New Zealand,poi remains a practiced art form there today.

This captivating discipline has gained a global following, becoming a popular tool that is continuously explored and pushed to new limits.

The dance and creation of visually pleasing geometric patterns with poi make it and mesmerizing art.

Prepare for endless hours of fun and fascination!


The ideal entry into the remarkable world of staff spinning!

A less time-intensive yet skill-building foundation for mastering more advanced techniques like contact staff or double staffs.

Staff spinning's popularity lies in its seamless integration with movement, creating visually stunning performances that mesmerize audiences!

Hover over an image to get more information about each tool


Double staff spinning opens endless possibilities!

Combining movement, geometric patterns, and juggling for unique performances. Dance freely or craft visually striking shapes with technical finesse

Or why not the best of both worlds?


The essence of contact staff is to let the staff roll around your body without holding it in your grip.

Its natural flow makes this artform very unique.

While appearing effortless, mastery demands time, patience, and focus on the right movements.

Progress and self-discovery follow with dedication!


We combine the unique movements of contact staff with 1, 2, or even 3 to 4 staffs.

Expanding the rolling areas and unlocking countless new manipulation possibilities.

A basic contact staff foundation is recommended before venturing into this exciting playground of creativity.


Learn essential safety guidelines and techniques for fire eating, covering fuel types, breath work, torch manipulation, extinguishes, and more.

Join us for an exciting and secure experience!


Originating with the Māori people of New Zealand, poi remains a practiced art form there today.

This captivating discipline has gained a global following, becoming a popular tool that is continuously explored and pushed to new limits.

The dance and creation of visually pleasing geometric patterns with poi make it and mesmerizing art.

Prepare for endless hours of fun and fascination!


The ideal entry into the remarkable world of staff spinning!

A less time-intensive yet skill-building foundation for mastering more advanced techniques like contact staff or double staffs.

Staff spinning's popularity lies in its seamless integration with movement, creating visually stunning performances that mesmerize audiences!


Double staff spinning opens endless possibilities!

Combining movement, geometric patterns, and juggling for unique performances. Dance freely or craft visually striking shapes with technical finesse

Or why not the best of both worlds?


The essence of contact staff is to let the staff roll around your body without holding it in your grip.

Its natural flow makes this artform very unique.

While appearing effortless, mastery demands time, patience, and focus on the right movements.

Progress and self-discovery follow with dedication!


We combine the unique movements of contact staff with 1, 2, or even 3 to 4 staffs.

Expanding the rolling areas and unlocking countless new manipulation possibilities.

A basic contact staff foundation is recommended before venturing into this exciting playground of creativity.